Always loved your artwork from the 80's. Sometimes, this is is what drove me to buy the book in the first place, and when Barbara was your liasion on Australia we did get quite a few of your pieces, including the Original 2 Worlds... Barbera didnt even get the chance to put it on the catalogue...

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Your writing is as marvelous as your art, Michael. And as we learn about this new journey of yours, and read about your early knowledge/experience/exposure to AI art, we see a bit of an analogy with writing. I'm an editor, and have to review AI writing often. Not easy to keep it from being boring, trite, and repetitive. But today's readers are less discerning, so -- tragically -- fine writing seems to matter less to the masses. But using AI art for a book cover -- something that serves to represent not only words, but also the author's thoughts/intent -- is a whole different world. To be done well, it calls for something beyond human and apart from our senses: the realm of imagination, the spiritual. And that is precisely what you do so brilliantly. As you say here: "make the union between artist's and the writer's world more complete on the cover, our point of tangency."

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I print of this hangs on the foyer of my daughter!

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