
I particularly love the use of symbolism in Michael’s work. Some are obvious and others you really have to look for. My question is: What is one of your personal favorite symbols in your work (a certain painting or one that reappears in many) that you love but people tend to miss?

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I've always loved Michael's work, whether illustration or original. I'm curious if (other than Audrey, Alexa, Adrian or yourself) you imagine the people you paint in either format, if you use models or if you're inspired by faces you see when out and about. Thanks!

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Michael has always been a great artist. I truly feel he can do justice to whatever he sets his mind to present and in any medium. The last time I saw this first hand was over 30 years ago but I feel time has just allowed him to further perfect his craft. Be blessed, Ed Craddock

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Thank you for sharing from how you got art to come to you and how talk about your clairvoyance experiences I enjoyed the read. There are strange things out there I hope you are doing well too

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