I'm curious which direction you would have gone, and if the author agreed with you.

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Regarding the author’s reaction, I don’t recall the conversation with Mr. Silverberg about the cover. I’m not sure he got to see any of the directions I had for the book before it was published, but I could be misremembering. It was several years ago that I made the comments that made it into the blurb, and I'm afraid the details are lost to me now.

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Sorry to say, I don’t remember.

TBH, I never really felt I had a handle on this book, so I feel the cover betrays my inability to settle on a single effective concept. [I hate doing montage style paintings!]

As the sketches show, I was casting about with different concepts, but alas— none of them nailed it for me. This is one I wish I had the chance or time to do over.

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It's still a beautiful cover, even with the disparate elements. I confess I don't remember the book at all, but I remember the cover :)

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