Michael's cover art for Foreigner is, in my opinion, the perfect depiction of the Atevi & Brent. Almost all of the other cover illustrations seem to have never read C J Cherryh's descriptions of these characters. His Banichi is the picture have carried through all of books in the series.
I had/have(?) a copy of Bunduki! Somewhere.
Thanks for sharing your "origin" story! Fun to hear how you met Audrey!
Michael's cover art for Foreigner is, in my opinion, the perfect depiction of the Atevi & Brent. Almost all of the other cover illustrations seem to have never read C J Cherryh's descriptions of these characters. His Banichi is the picture have carried through all of books in the series.
Oh I love all of these. The Fuzzies won my heart with first read. Your art for the Morgaine books also are particular favorites!
Have owned those Dray Prescott covers since release.. The Fuzzy books as well