Today we have 5 preliminary concepts and studies from WIND AND TRUTH, Michael’s last cover for the Stormlight Archive and likely the last cover assignment of his career. This is the first offering of original art from this cover.
Figure study for WIND AND TRUTH
Acrylic - 10 ½ x 9”
A look at the process of illustration as Michael is working out a pose and costuming for Dalinar. He is ultimately portrayed with his back to the viewer, but this alternate pose is filled with action and drama. The book Dalinar is carrying is The Way of Kings.
Color Figure Study for WIND AND TRUTH
Acrylic - 11 ½” x 9”
Michael arrived at the pose for his last Stormlight cover, imagining Dalinar looking over the mountains surrounding the tower-city of Urithiru. The warmth of the sun signifies hope that this one man can stand against Odium and save Roshar—and perhaps all of the Cosmere.
Preliminary concept for WIND AND TRUTH
Acrylic - 12” x 24”
The tower-city of Urithiru stands as tall as mountains. At the top, Dalinar takes in the majestic view before the real storm arrives.
Preliminary concept for WIND AND TRUTH
Acrylic - 9 ½” x 20”
One of the challenges of illustrating covers for the Stormlight Archive is the physical size of the books. You can see faint fold lines here where Michael wrapped the canvas around the book using it as a "dustjacket" to best fit the image. While he is still working out Dalinar's pose at this point, the Everstorm swirls ominously overhead, a display of the power of Odium.
Preliminary concept for WIND AND TRUTH
Acrylic - 13” x 24”
Violent weather is a staple of the Stormlight Archive. Highstorms invest the Knights Radiant with incredible powers.
The Everstorm, the antithesis of that power, threatens the tower-city of Urithiru. There Dalinar, with his copy of The Way of Kings in hand, awaits Odium and the Contest of Champions that is to come.