With Payne's Grey and white left on my palette while working on an HP Lovecraft painting, I sketched this scene.
I started posting small works like these in 2016, but the truth is the Leftovers & Palette Gremlins project dates back much farther. View the 2023 Leftovers & Palette Gremlins gallery for more background and follow the links back through the years.
This week we’ll be kicking off the 2024 gallery with a brand new Elric painting. More details to follow.
Additional images from ELRIC AND THE COLD DRAKE

About Leftovers & Palette Gremlins
Leftovers are spur-of-the-moment doodles or sketches created with paint left over from a work in progress. (Ever since my poor art student days, I’ve been loathe to discard any usable paint or other art materials!) Many of these quickies end up in the trash, but some give rise to an idea that merits development into a full sized painting.
Palette Gremlins are small creations inspired by random or accidental shapes in my immediate environment. Usually these gremlins are found on a used palette, but nearly as often they spring from an unintentional mark of paint on a piece of paper or a suggestive shadow in my studio.
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This is exciting! Not just Elric, but this fantastic adventure you have started, and brought us, your fans, along for the ride. Years (and years) ago one could go to a Con, bypass all the marketing crap, and steer directly to Artist Row, and SEE the artists you admired, and tell them how much they meant to you as a fan, and in turn let them reciprocate! I have been on both sides of that table, and it is a gift. This has that same feeling, give and give, I applaud this new endeavor and thank you for it.